HSK Level 5
The HSK Level 5 is intended for senior Chinese learners. By this stage, a wide range of topics can be discussed using reasonably accurate grammar to convey meaning in spoken Chinese. Writing skills are becoming stronger and the ability to listen requires less effort. Learners at the HSK 5 level are also less dependent on Pinyin as they gradually become more comfortable reading and using authentic materials written only in characters.
Prior Learning Requirements
- Placement test
A free placement test will be required before you enrol in this class. The class teacher will grade your test on the spot and allocate your class. Please remember to order a placement test in advance.
Course Content
- Understanding Life
- Talking about the Past and the Present
- Listening to Stories and Anecdotes
- Approaching Science
- Seeing the World
- Cultivating Physical and Mental Health
- Cultural exchange
- Understanding education
- Feelings about life
- Focusing on economy
You will be able to:
- Discuss the Past and the Present
- Be familiar with different types of articles
- Discuss Cultural exchange
- Discuss Education Situation
- Know more words and phrases about economy
- Talk about health conditions and see a doctor
- Plan a leisure activity
- Discuss the difference between Chinese food and Western food
Grammar points
不得了adj. extremely, exceedingly
反正 adv.(use to indicate the same result despite different circumstance) anyway, no matter what
难怪 V. to be understandable, to be reasonable
假如 conj. If, in case
万一 conj.in case, if by any chance
除非 conj. only if, unless
不见得 adv. not necessarily, may not
总之 conj. in short, in brief
反而 adv. on the contrary, instead
Key vocabularies
999 new words