HSK Level 2
The HSK level 2 course is designed for learners who have studied Chinese for roughly 20 hours. This course for learners is carefully designed to help you gain essential Chinese language skills and get a good understanding of basic grammar and vocabulary. The course covers topics such as going shopping, inviting friends to go out or talking about hobbies and interests.
Prior Learning Requirements
- Placement test
- HSK 1 or equivalent
Course Content
- Travel
- Timetable
- Colors
- Spare time
- Different places and distance
- Hobbies
- Describe the continuation of a certain state
- Make comparison
- Make suggestions
- Spring Festival& Chinese Tea Culture
You will be able to:
- Describe locations and give directions
- Go shopping
- Arrange to go out for various activities
- Talk about clothes, sizes, colour and prices
- Travel by bus
- Make phone calls
- Know further Chinese culture
Grammar points
- Expressions of approximate numbers
- Question using “是不是”
- The “的” Phrase
- The Structure “是…的”:used to emphasize the agent of an action
- Reduplication of Measure Words& Verbs
- The Pair of Conjunctions “因为…,所以…”; “虽然 …,但是 …”
- Complements of Result
- “第” Indicating Order
- The Aspect Particle “着” “了” “过”
- The Imperative Sentence
241 new words