HSK Level 3
The HSK level 3 covers 300 words and related language points for the HSK Level 3 exam. After completing the book, students can pass the HSK Level 3 exam and reach the appropriate Chinese level.This course builds on grammar points and aims to double the number of characters a student can recognise. The topics covered give the student a greater level of expression in their everyday life. Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (level 2) have a excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
Prior Learning Requirements
- Replacement test
- HSK 2 or equivalent
Course Content
- Weekend Activities
- Beverage & Fruits
- Describe person
- Subjects
- Equipment
- Traditional Sports in China
- Family members
- Moods
- Furniture
- Social Etiquette in China
You will be able to:
- Discuss the weekend activities
- Order food and drinks
- Be able to discuss something with someone
- Talk about Subjects and Furniture
- Express moods exactly
- Be able to make a dialogue with language points and grammar
- Understand and learn more Chinese Culture
Grammar points
1. Complements of Possibility
2. The “把” Sentence + The “被” Sentence
3. Complements of Direction
4. The Structure “又 …又…”
5. The Structure “先…,再…, 然后…”
6. The Structure “如果 …, 就…” ; “只要…就…” ; “只有…才…”
7. Complements of State
8. Comparative Sentences
9. Expression of Approximate
10. The Successive Occurrence of Two Actions
- Key vocabularies 300